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Pippin Hill ROA Bronze Legend
Barn Name: Legend
SOLD - 2023
Sire: Southern Grace Rock of Ages *B
SS: Southern Grace O Happy Day *B
SSS: SG Cedar View Olivero VEV 88
SSD: SG Sinai Thunder V Saphronia Day 3*M VEEV 90 Polled
SD: Sinai Thunder AG Lizzie Bell 2*M VEEE 90 Polled
SDS: Olson Acres RC Augustine ++*B
SDD: Caprakoza TT Schokolade VEEV 88 Polled
Dam: Springwater JT Pied Piper 5*M +VEE 87
DS: FMG PGAC Courting Jail Time +*B +VV 84
DSS: Poppy Patch Guilty As Charged +B +VV 85
DSD: Sage-Acres BF Kourtney K 5*M VEEE 90
DD: SG Springwater SMKY Chocolate Pie 4*M VEE+ 88
DDS: Springwater HKY Pack A Day *B +EE 87
DDD: SGCH FMG DB&R Easy As Pie 3*M VEEE 90
2022 Yearling
2022 Kid
Sire: Southern Grace Rock of Ages *B
Photo Credit to Pippin Hill
SD: Sinai Thunder AG Lizzie Bell 2*M VEEE 90 Polled
Photo Credit to Sinai Thunder
Dam: Springwater JT Pied Piper 5*M +VEE 87
Photo Credit to Pippin Hill
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